Good morning Bernie Sanders!….Bernie woke up this week to a reality that seemed to escape him. He said $15.00/hr was the minimum wage he believes in. { called it a livable wage}. But, he is not paying his own workers that rate. He says “healthcare” is a right, but then told his workers they would have to increase their contribution if he raised their hourly rate. In response to the challenge he reduced their hours and may have reduced his workforce in addition to restricting additional hiring.
I believe minimum wage is designed to give “entry level” positions a good starting point to enter the workforce… prove yourself worthy of promotion…and then move on to a higher paying position either with the original employer or another employer. It’s called building a resume. Don’t make it your life plan to stay in the minimum wage job!!
Hmmmmmmm….it seems he is now awakening to the issues businesses face if his policies are adopted by government. Good morning Bernie!